11 April 2009

Parts that work, and parts that don't

This is the first collage piece I made this semester, recently reworked and edited. My idea is that I collect pieces I can make a physical collage from so that I can have one original piece and then more fancy editions on the computer. Something about there being a difference between original works and.. original works. I realize I'm stealing material to begin with.

It's self-titled.

In other news, I've been recovering from a crazy bike accident from which I'm intensely lucky to have come off relatively clean. A few scrapes and bruises, but I'm astounded I didn't have a concussion or at least a broken nose or some misssing teeth. My wheels have have granted me the freedom the get around town above ground and breathe the air and take in some exercise time. On the negative side, I lost my wallet a few days ago while I was riding; it just slipped out as I was pumping my butt muscles along. Fair? No, I don't think it's a matter of fairness, but I feel fairly stupid. That incident has been subjugated to the immensity of my luck. Two days ago I was riding and my chain came off the gear, I completely bailed, my bike went sliding across the cobblestone road, I hit the ground and my face slammed into a concrete pole sticking out of the sidewalk. I got up with a short headache, checked to find out the situation of my face, no bloody nose, no teeth missing. I hit on the bone just under my right eye, barely missing any more serious part that might crack easily.

Take things in stride. I'm not being hasty, but I'm not going to waste my time.

1 comment:

  1. i am sooooo glad i did not know this a week ago
